Magical World Of Shichisōru

Magical World Of Shichisōru

In Shichisōru, everything is magical and every being is special and their own individual; no one is judged for their passion or lack thereof and you can simply just exist.

Mimi, a lonely cat wanders around looking for her lost passion and stumbled across a portal; she accidentally falls into the portal and awakens in a new world called Shichisōru (sevensouls).

On her journey of exploring Shichisōru and herself, Mimi makes her first friend - Toffee(a loving, kind and beautiful calico cat). Mimi and toffee take on this new adventure of trying to help Mimi find her place in the world.

Mimi and Toffee wandered through the magical world of Shichisoru, where every corner sparkled with wonder. In a glowing meadow, they encountered Jeebie, a scruffy orange cat with striking blue eyes and boundless energy.

“I’m building a passion-finder!” Jeebie announced, holding up a gadget that fizzled and popped. “Maybe it can help you, Mimi!”

Excitedly, the trio set off to test Jeebie’s invention. Despite causing a few humorous mishaps - like turning a tree into candy - they laughed together, and Mimi felt a warmth she hadn’t experienced before. Perhaps her journey wasn’t just about discovering her passion, but also about finding friends.

what happens next will be revealed as our lore continues...

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